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Într-un orășel dintre munți, domnul Nik, șeful singurei fabrici din oraș, taie și spânzură. Nik este invitat de onoare la inaugurarea unui bar cu program de striptease, eveniment monden unic în viața urbei. Lucrurile scapă de sub control. Acțiunea curge palpitant, cu situații limită și multe schimbări de decor, trăite sub un soare năucitor. Este un prezent decăzut dintr-o așezare nici rurală, nici urbană, scoasă undeva din timp, unde eroii coboară pe rând toate treptele degradării umane, învățând din propria experiență că există totuși o cale de îndreptare spre care trebuie să tindă pentru a se salva.

Data lansării24 sept. 2021

M.M. Loviste

M.M. Loviste is born in 1956 in Boisoara, Tara Lovistei. After graduating from the Panait Donici Engineering Military Institute in 1979, he works as a sapper leader until 1989, when he is discharged. Since 1994, he has worked for a radio station, and since 1995, for a television channel, where he makes short movies, documentaries, news reports, television investigations, live transmissions, and live shows. From 1996 until 2008, he is the General Manager of the Etalon television station, during which time this station is recognized at national and international levels, especially in the field of short movies. Loviste attends the “Days and Nights of Literature” International Festival in both 2007 and 2008, where he films “The 14th Wave,” a documentary highly praised by the president of U.S.R. (Writers’ Union of Romania). Loviste is also noted for his exclusive interviews with the famed Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko and the 2006 Nobel Laureate for literature, Turkish novelist Orhan Pamuk. Loviste’s literature and television activity have brought him numerous regional prizes and distinctions.In 1994, Loviste publishes his first prose volume, “A Cross Too Heavy,” which deals with the Romanian village during the period around World War II. His next novel, “Stolen Identities” (1996), portrays Romanian soldiers being taken hostage in the Soviet Union. In 1997, he publishes “Nessus’s Attire,” a radiography of the period before and after the Communist regime. In his short story volume “The Irretrievable” (1999), the author addresses social issues. In 1999 he becomes a member of U.S.R. In 2001, he publishes “The City of the Last Eclipse,” a satire on the Romanian society after 1989, which in 2008 receives the Vasile Militaru Award from the Writers’ Union of Romania during the second National Festival for Literature and Satire in Pitesti. His last two volumes are republished in 2006 and launched during the Gaudeamus International Book Fair in Bucharest. In 2007, the same books are nominated for the U.S.R.-Pitesti Book of the Year (for prose) Award.In 2009, he publishes the novel “Apprentices of the Word,” a terrible confrontation between good and evil. At stake in this dramatic confrontation is man, to whom God gives freedom of choice. The key to this novel is, naturally, the Word, which is omnipresent and vital to man. The same year, the volume receives the U.S.R.-Pitesti Special Jury Book of the Year (for prose) Award. The Church also recognizes the spiritual and artistic value of the book, the Archbishop of Arges and Muscel, His Eminence Calinic Argatu, awarding it the plaquette of Saint Voivode Neagoe Basarab and the icon of the Saint, plated in silver and gold.Starting with 2012, the author devotes himself for four years to a new novel. “Halacha?” is built on the basis of three literary landmarks: First, the atmosphere in which the greatest act of injustice in the entire history of the human race – the Trial of Jesus – took place two thousand years ago; second, the political games that led to the assassination of Jesus Christ by involving high-level corruption – the terrible scourge haunting humanity yesterday, today and tomorrow – in the process; finally, the presentation of the most unusual form of legal defense of the Son Of God – silence. U.S.R.-Pitesti nominates the book for the Book of the Year (for prose) Award.In 2020 he writes “The Sacraments of Matrimony,” a humor and satire novella on those who mystify the biblical concept of the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony.In 2021 follows “The Inauguration,” another humor and satire novella, offering a radiography of the current society in a provincial town, set against the background of the vices and flaws of the characters.

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    Inaugurarea - M.M. Loviste


    M.M. Lovişte


    Copyright 2021 by M.M. Lovişte

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Uscăciune. Soarele arde tăriile cerului, vărsându-şi dogoarea peste pământul secătuit. Pe străzile oraşului asfaltul s-a înmuiat, impregnându-se în roţile maşinilor ce rulează când şi când.

    Din balconul biroului său, bine protejat de o umbrelă uriaşă, Gheorghe Nik trece în revistă hala lungă şi depozitul larg, unde câţiva angajaţi trudesc, transportând cele câteva scânduri necesare muncii lor. Chipurile năuce şi deshidratate lucesc himeric în lumină. Pe frunţile încreţite, transpiraţia alunecă şiroaie, antrenând negreala aşezată de palmele murdare ce trec ca nişte ştergătoare stricate peste feţele răbdătoare şi obosite.

    De douăzeci de ani inginerul conduce cu mână de fier singura fabrică din oraş, fiind, cu siguranţă, personalitatea numărul unu din mica urbe. Nici primarul nu se poate măsura cu el. Într-un fel sau altul, toţi au nevoie de Nik, fie ei politicieni sau pălmaşi. El ştie acest lucru, potcovind pe cât se poate atât pe unii, cât şi pe ceilalţi, atunci când au nevoie de el.

    Pentru Nik, orăşelul acesta este raiul pe pământ. Aici nu se întâmplă nimic niciodată. Localnicii găsesc cu greu o slujbă. Are tot ce şi-ar fi putut dori vreodată. O soţie simplă, o fată pe care a luat-o din liceu, ca nu cumva tinerei să-i treacă prin minte să înveţe carte şi să îi strice lui socotelile. Cu vremea însă a început să o îndrăgească, ba chiar să o divinizeze.

    Lui Nik îi plac tare mult viaţa şi băutura. Dar nu la slujbă. Aici trebuie să vegheze. Să-i fie capul limpede, ca să nu-l poată înşela vreun şef de secţie sau vreun maistru pişicher. Nici un băţ de chibrit nu trebuie

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