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Mesaj de pe sonda spaţială
Mesaj de pe sonda spaţială
Mesaj de pe sonda spaţială
Cărți electronice251 pagini4 ore

Mesaj de pe sonda spaţială

Evaluare: 4 din 5 stele



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"Message from the Probe", a very good book about the adventures through Universe. Tudor, Gabriel, Luca and Victor, pilots of the society, receive the mission to bring back data from a probe of Medava Corporation. In this probe they found a message, that will be important for the human species. After several attempts and space adventures in which they fight with robots, with the outside environment and other threats, they manage to find out the secret of the space probe. They become heroes.
"Mesaj de pe sonda spatială", o carte foarte buna despre aventurile prin Univers ale oamenilor. Tudor, Gabriel, Luca şi Victor, piloţi ai societăţii, primesc misiunea sa aduca inapoi datele de pe o sonda spatială care aparţine corporaţiei Medava. In aceasta sondă spaţială ei găsesc un mesaj, care va fi important pentru specia umana. După câteva incercări şi aventuri prin spaţiu, în care ei se luptă cu roboţii, cu mediul exterior şi cu alte ameninţări, reuşesc să găsească secretul arătatde mesajul găsit pe sonda spaţială. Ei devin eroi.

Data lansării20 oct. 2014
Mesaj de pe sonda spaţială

Savu Ioan-Constantin

My name is Savu Ioan Constantin and I was born in 1973 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.I've loved reading since I was little, especially children's books, historic and adventure stories, and police novels. My first project was a police book, written in high school, in a notebook. I never published it, although I did show it to some of my classmates who had nice things to say about it. After some years, other projects followed, including "Locul de pornire" (The Starting Place), a novel for teens and young people, which I donated in unexpected circumstances and "Romira II B", my first Science-Fiction project, which was also finished in unexpected circumstances, but was never published. Next was the "Sioras4 - Recunoasterea" (Sioras4 - The Recognition) project, which was published in Romanian as a printed edition in December 2009. This book was also translated into English, in electronic format. After "Sioras4 - Recunoaşterea" there was another good book, "Mesaj de pe sonda spaţială" (Message from the Probe), published in Romanian as a printed edition in December 2012. I've also published a work on lease contracts and "Joan and Her Friends", in English, a series of short educational stories for kids, as well as the work "Comunicarea interpersonala" (Interpersonal Communication), in an electronic format.As far as education goes, I have a bachelor's degree in Juridical Sciences and I have graduated post-universitary psychopedagogy, history (second bachelor's degree), economics and management courses. I also have master's degree in economics and management. I've worked mainly as a teacher, civil servant and legal advisor. Currently I'm a middle and high school teacher, teaching socio-human sciences, history and economic and I'm getting ready to start other books, novels as well as works in areas such as law, psychology and psychopedagogy. I live in Romania. I hope that my books will be well-liked in English as well and maybe I'll have the chance to visit some beautiful places around the world.

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