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Othello / Othello, Moor of Venice (Ediție bilingvă)
Othello / Othello, Moor of Venice (Ediție bilingvă)
Othello / Othello, Moor of Venice (Ediție bilingvă)
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Othello / Othello, Moor of Venice (Ediție bilingvă)

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Soția mea, pe câte cred, mi-a fost
Cinstită. Poate acum e necinstită.
Te cred om drept… dar nu mi-e dovedită
Părerea despre ea și despre tine.
Avea un nume fără de rușine
Și chipul ei cu al Dianei semăna.
Cum pot să cred că s-ar putea schimba
Deodată într un chip întunecat,
Cum este acel cu care-s înzestrat?

By the world,
I think my wife be honest and think she is not;
I think that thou art just and think thou art not.
I’ll have some proof. Her name, that was as fresh
As Dian’s visage, is now begrimed and black
As mine own face

EditorPandora M
Data lansării18 aug. 2016
Othello / Othello, Moor of Venice (Ediție bilingvă)

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare (1564–1616) is arguably the most famous playwright to ever live. Born in England, he attended grammar school but did not study at a university. In the 1590s, Shakespeare worked as partner and performer at the London-based acting company, the King’s Men. His earliest plays were Henry VI and Richard III, both based on the historical figures. During his career, Shakespeare produced nearly 40 plays that reached multiple countries and cultures. Some of his most notable titles include Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar. His acclaimed catalog earned him the title of the world’s greatest dramatist.

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