Foreign Policy Magazine13 min cititeWorld
What Made the China Miracle?
What should one make of China—of its extraordinary rise, its enormous global ambitions, and its future—now that the breathtaking first phase of its ascendance seems to have ended and forces of gravity linked to its aging population and increasingly o
Foreign Policy Magazine5 min cititeCrime & Violence
An Atrevida Is Best Avoided
On April 25, 1974, a left-leaning military coup overthrew Portugal’s 48-year dictatorship. The uprising, known as the Carnation Revolution, represented the country’s pivot to democracy after decades under António Salazar’s oppressive rule and a boost
Foreign Policy Magazine6 min cititeWorld
China’s Public Wants to Make a Living, Not War
“I am opposed to war, unless in self-defense.” This was the most liked comment on Douyin—the Chinese counterpart to TikTok—in reaction to a speech delivered by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Jan. 9. In his address, Wang previewed China’s top dip
Foreign Policy Magazine6 min citite
The Strategic Unseriousness of Olaf Scholz
When German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited China in April, the deep and enduring divisions between Europe and the United States over how best to handle the country were on full display. Although new communication channels between Washington and Beiji
Foreign Policy Magazine2 min citite
Creating Deep Roots For Long-term Positive Impact
With more than five decades of experience, Banco Industrial has established itself as Guatemala’s leading financial institution. Thanks to its deep roots and love for the country, the bank seeks out and encourages initiatives for sustainable developm
Foreign Policy Magazine2 min citite
Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy Magazine3 min cititeWorld
Europe’s Vulnerable Economy
THE CHALLENGE OF A MORE GEOPOLITICALLY TURBULENT WORLD comes as Europe’s economic model is showing signs of stress. GDP growth has lagged that of the United States since the 2010 European debt crisis. Within the EU, markets fragmented along national
Foreign Policy Magazine13 min cititeInternational Relations
Trump’s Return Would Transform Europe
Which is the real Europe? The mostly peaceful, democratic, and united continent of the past few decades? Or the fragmented, volatile, and conflict-ridden Europe that existed for centuries before that? If Donald Trump wins the U.S. presidential electi
Foreign Policy Magazine2 min citite
High-impact Infrastructure
Guatemala is moving forward through plans for high-impact infrastructure in which collaboration between the private sector and the country’s administrations is key to developing projects that will boost competitiveness and employment. Two stand-out p
Foreign Policy Magazine3 min citite
Guatemala striding From Crisis To A Brighter Future
After coming through the deepest institutional crisis of its history, Guatemala is preparing a strategy in order to start living up to its promise as Central America’s largest economy by reasserting its democratic principles and encouraging investmen
Foreign Policy Magazine3 min cititeWorld
Europe In The Firestorm
GERMANY’S DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE CHIEF, Thomas Haldenwang, likes to say Russia’s war against Ukraine is the storm whereas China’s quest for global dominance is climate change. What Europe is facing today is nothing less than a geostrategic firestorm.
Foreign Policy Magazine3 min cititeInternational Relations
From The Editor
HISTORY HAS FINALLY CAUGHT UP WITH EUROPE. In hind-sight, the continent’s long period of relative peace from 1945 to 2022 was an aberration. In any European capital today, the mood seems starkly different than before Russia invaded Ukraine. Suddenly,
Foreign Policy Magazine1 min cititeInternational Relations
Featured Contributors
Nathalie Tocci is the director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, an honorary professor at the University of Tübingen, an adjunct professor at the European University Institute, and a Europe’s Futures fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences. C
Foreign Policy Magazine2 min citite
Big Data To Unlock A Dream Destination
While Guatemala’s well-known volcanoes and Mayan archeological treasures will continue to pull in the crowds, the country’s tourism authorities say it is time to modernize the approach to attracting tourists to boost visitor numbers and “change the n
Foreign Policy Magazine6 min cititeInternational Relations
The Problem Isn’t Just Netanyahu
When U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer effectively called for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ouster on the Senate floor in mid-March, it was a watershed moment for anyone following Israel’s role in U.S. politics. But the Senate l
Foreign Policy Magazine2 min cititeInternational Relations
What if Russia Wins?
IF UKRAINE AND ITS WESTERN SUPPORTERS LOSE RESOLVE, Europe may face a scenario where Russia subjugates the rest of Ukraine, installs a puppet regime, and gradually integrates most or all of the country into a new Russian empire. In the long term, it
Foreign Policy Magazine3 min cititeAmerican Government
Not Ready for Trump
WHEN DONALD TRUMP WAS ELECTED U.S. PRESIDENT in 2016, it unified Europe. The continent’s capitals were still reeling from the decision by British voters to leave the European Union a few months before, and leaders feared that Brexit would trigger a d
Foreign Policy Magazine1 min citite
Situation Report x NATO’s 75th
Reporters ROBBIE GRAMER and JACK DETSCH will be on the ground at NATO’s 75th anniversary summit, covering breaking news and providing an inside look at one of the most consequential gatherings of the year. ENJOY DAILY EDITIONS JULY 9–11. Sign up for
Foreign Policy Magazine6 min citite
The Rich Drama of Shogun
How do you say “Winter is coming” in Japanese? It’s hardly a criticism to say FX’s new series Shogun, available on Hulu in the United States and Disney+ elsewhere, may remind audiences of Game of Thrones. The HBO spectacle based on George R.R. Martin
Foreign Policy Magazine7 min cititeWorld
Singapore Knows Its Stability Can’t Last Forever
It’s a little startling when a senior civil servant begins to casually ruminate about the inevitability of the end for any nation and political order and, in the longue durée, the finite lifespan of the one that they serve. If this were the Second Fr
Foreign Policy Magazine6 min cititeAmerican Government
Trump Will Redefine Foreign Aid
In April 2018, I was invited by the U.S. ambassador to a meeting at the embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia. The ambassador had assembled a group of NGO leaders in the field of disinformation to meet with a senior Trump administration official from the State
Foreign Policy Magazine10 min citite
Revisiting Habermas
It is hard to convey to people outside Germany the extraordinary role Jürgen Habermas has played in the country. To be sure, his name inevitably appears on the more or less silly lists of world’s most influential philosophers. But there are no other
Foreign Policy Magazine2 min citite
What In The World?
1. Zimbabwe introduced a new currency in April. The ZiG is backed up by what? a. The euro b. Diamonds c. Gold d. The U.S. dollar 2. Approximately how many missiles and drones did Iran launch at Israel in mid-April? a. 100 b. 320 c. 570 d. 680 3. Whi
Foreign Policy Magazine4 min cititeInternational Relations
A New EU Shaped by War
THE U.S. CONGRESS GAVE UKRAINE AND ITS EUROPEAN ALLIES crucial breathing room when it finally passed a $61 billion aid package in late April. But what happens after the U.S. presidential election in November is anyone’s guess. In the long run—no matt
Foreign Policy Magazine5 min cititeWorld
Biden Picks the Wrong Moment to Challenge Beijing
The same decision can be smart at the right time or disastrous at the wrong time. The bill that forces Chinese company Byte-Dance to divest from TikTok or face a ban on the video-sharing app in the United States is one such case. One of the main argu
Foreign Policy Magazine3 min cititeInternational Relations
Britain Will Recommit
RUSSIA’S INVASION OF UKRAINE IN FEBRUARY 2022 overturned the strategic calculus behind Brexit. Then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson had promised to raise Britain’s sights beyond Europe—to the sunny uplands of closer trading and political relations with
Foreign Policy Magazine3 min cititeWorld
Deterrence Is Cheaper Than War
“WE CANNOT CONTINUE TO PAY FOR THE MILITARY PROTECTION OF EUROPE while the NATO states are not paying their fair share,” U.S. President John F. Kennedy said to the U.S. National Security Council in 1963. Since then, similar calls from both Republican
Foreign Policy Magazine6 min cititeAmerican Government
Mexico Has an Energy Problem
Mexico elected its first female president on June 2. Claudia Sheinbaum, the former mayor of Mexico City, won a resounding victory with nearly 60 percent of votes. She represents outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s Morena party and is set
Foreign Policy Magazine5 min cititeInternational Relations
Sudan Is Not a Lost Cause
Over the last year, the world’s most influential organizations, leaders, and publications have characterized Sudan’s ongoing war as catastrophic and beyond a point of no return. On paper, these terms seem reasonable in describing the dire circumstanc
Foreign Policy Magazine7 min cititeWorld
Xi Believes China Can Win a Scientific Revolution
In early March, global investors turned their eyes toward Beijing, where 2,977 delegates from across China had gathered for the annual session of the National People’s Congress. Here, Chinese Premier Li Qiang would deliver the annual “Report on the W
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