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Building a Sustainable Success in the Long Term with Seth D. Allen

Building a Sustainable Success in the Long Term with Seth D. Allen

DinFlorin Rosoga Podcast

Building a Sustainable Success in the Long Term with Seth D. Allen

DinFlorin Rosoga Podcast

27 minute
25 oct. 2020
Episod podcast


Seth D Allen is an entrepreneur that sees the world through the lens of people. Having been in start up world as a Founder, CEO, Community Builder and Conference Organiser, he's had the opportunity to see ideas evolve from conception to global relevance through a variety of perspectives.
25 oct. 2020
Episod podcast

Titluri în această serie (100)

Every week I interview Romanian entrepreneurs, athletes and other top performers  and we discover their untold story. What are the stories behind their success? RO: Podcastul în care iau interviuri unor personalități, antreprenori, sportivi și top performeri. Am discutat subiecte care mă preocupă pe mine însumi și oferim perspective noi despre dezvoltare personală, lifestyle, society, cultură, educație, sănătate, wellbeing, business, comunicare, tehnologie.