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Mastering the Pricing Game: Are You Ready for the Next Big Shift?

Mastering the Pricing Game: Are You Ready for the Next Big Shift?

DinFlorin Rosoga Podcast

Mastering the Pricing Game: Are You Ready for the Next Big Shift?

DinFlorin Rosoga Podcast

23 minute
3 ian. 2024
Episod podcast


Ever wondered what makes a pricing strategy not just good, but great? This episode unveils the art of balancing price and perceived value, revealing how technology is revolutionizing the way businesses approach pricing in the modern marketplace.In this episode, we dive into the world of pricing strategies with Hermann Simon, a renowned figure and the author of "Confessions of a Pricing Man." With over 20 years of expertise, Simon shares his journey and the insights that led him to become an authority in the field.Simon's passion for pricing is palpable as he discusses his book, written with a genuine desire to share practical knowledge. He focuses on helping readers enhance their pricing strategies by understanding the intricate balance between price and perceived value.A pivotal aspect of our conversation is the impact of technological advancements in AI and data analytics on traditional pricing methods. Simon elaborates on how these innovations are reshaping pricing strategies, creating new opportunities and challenges for businesses.
3 ian. 2024
Episod podcast

Titluri în această serie (100)

Every week I interview Romanian entrepreneurs, athletes and other top performers  and we discover their untold story. What are the stories behind their success? RO: Podcastul în care iau interviuri unor personalități, antreprenori, sportivi și top performeri. Am discutat subiecte care mă preocupă pe mine însumi și oferim perspective noi despre dezvoltare personală, lifestyle, society, cultură, educație, sănătate, wellbeing, business, comunicare, tehnologie.