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Munchkin Land

Munchkin Land

Munchkin Land

361 episoade


An in-depth look at the Steve Jackson Games card game.

Episoade1 - 10 din 361 episoade


Munchkin Land #703: Games from Spiel des Jahres 2024

Dan Patriss shares a number of games people saw at Spiel des Jahres 2024, and other boa...

20 minute
Jul 01, 2024

Munchkin Land #702: Star Trek: Captain's Chair

Dan Patris is back with more news from the board game world! Show your thanks to Major...

17 minute
Jun 10, 2024

Munchkin Land #701: Slay the Spire: The Board Game

Dan Patris returns with a roundup of board game news, including the upcoming launch of ...

18 minute
May 27, 2024

Munchkin Land #700: Ticket to Ride and Atomic Mass announce new games

This week, Dan has a rundown on Ticket to Ride South Korea, new Atomic Mass expansions,...

16 minute
May 13, 2024

Munchkin Land #699: The Mandalorian: Adventures

The Mandalorian: Adventures arrives in August 2024, and Dan is here to share all the in...

19 minute
Apr 29, 2024

Munchkin Land #698: Star Wars: Bounty Hunters Lands in May

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters lands in May 2024, and Dan Patriss has all the news about thi...

16 minute
Apr 16, 2024

Munchkin Land #698: Star Wars: Bounty Hunters Lands in May

Star Wars: Bounty Hunters lands in May 2024, and Dan Patriss has all the news about thi...

16 minute
Apr 15, 2024

A Message To Future People

Our computer system has gone down, and we are in the process of rebuilding it. This is ...

2 minute
Apr 12, 2024

Munchkin Land #697: Kickstarters Aplenty

There are a ton of new gaming Kickstarters launching and Dan Patriss shares all the inf...

20 minute
Mar 28, 2024

Munchkin Land #696: Kickstarter Explosion Season

There are so many games coming to stores and to Kickstarter, and Dan Patriss runs as ma...

21 minute
Mar 04, 2024