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Broscuta De Cristal Si Zana Nuferilor
Broscuta De Cristal Si Zana Nuferilor
Broscuta De Cristal Si Zana Nuferilor
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Broscuta De Cristal Si Zana Nuferilor

Evaluare: 5 din 5 stele



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Am retrait acum, ca adult, lumea povestilor din trecutul copilariei mele fericite, pe care vreau sa v-o impartasesc si voua, dragi copii.

Voi continua cu ,,Broscuta de Cristal si Zana Nuferilor”, povestea unei broscute care este daruita lacului de Printesa Luna, ca o recunoastere din partea ei pentru lacul cel frumos.

Curajoasa si protejata de un scut magic, ea este trimisa in Tara Nuferilor pentru a salva broscutele de la pieire. Ajutata de Zana Nuferilor, Broscuta de Cristal trebuie sa calatoreasca pe trei taramuri de basm pentru a aduna praful fermecat de aur, de onix si de safir.

Va reusi ea oare sa salveze broscutele de pe lac?!

Data lansării4 mai 2022
Broscuta De Cristal Si Zana Nuferilor

Delia C. Zorzoliu

Delia Manuela Codin-Zorzoliu, born on March 28, 1987, in Bucharest, made her debut in the magazine of Tudor Vladimirescu High School in Drăgănești-Olt, in 1998, with the poem “Harsh Winter.”She is the author of some stories for children "The Fifth Season", "Journey with a Neuron", "Princess Quail and the Enchanted Corn", "Sea Fairy and the Silver Dolphin", "The Brave Squirrel and the Enchanted Hazelnut Tree", "The Crystal Frog and the Water Lily Fairy", "The Enchanted Goose Egg", and "The Umbrella Mushroom and the Lazy Beetle".She is working on several novels and is preparing a volume of poems.She currently lives in Southampton, United Kingdom."The Brave Squirrel and the Enchanted Hazelnut Tree" will soon appear in some of the world's most widely read languages and will be distributed internationally by Letras. So keep close.How it all started?For me, writing is a release. A break for the mind. When I write, I feel that time stands still. I like to walk through my own thoughts. When I put letters on paper, that's what I do. I get lost in the words; I choose the right ones and turn them into stories.I like to write with my soul the most because then, the most intense and deep writings are born. At that moment, the writings that touch the heart are born. The writings that sensitize the soul are born. When I write with my mind, everything seems mechanical or too thoughtful. Anyway, no matter how I write, with my mind or soul I create a world which belongs to me and where I feel free. I create a world where I can be how I want to be. I create a world where I can be who I want to be.I like to create stories with parents, princesses, phenomena and magical things. At the other end of the spectrum is my passion for drama, mystery. I tend to believe that magic is not just about things. The magic is in each and every one of us.I like to write at night because then, the feelings are deeper and I can better translate them on paper in different forms.Sometimes I feel like I was born writing. I started writing when I was only 11 years old. I wrote only for myself. I still remember, as if it were yesterday, the day I wrote my first true poem. It was called "Winter in the Night." It turned out so well for me that even my Romanian language teacher didn't think it was written by me. She told me then: “If this poem is actually written by you and is not copied, then write another one. I want to convince myself that this is so! ” .—Delia C. Zorzoliu

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    Broscuta De Cristal Si Zana Nuferilor - Delia C. Zorzoliu

    Broscuţa de cristal şi Zâna nuferilor

    Delia C. Zorzoliu

    int 01 salmonlogo letras negru 2020 - 300 pix e pub


    Broscuţa de cristal şi Zâna nuferilor


    COPYRIGHT 2020 Editura LETRAS

    Toate drepturile rezervate.

    ISBN ePub 978-606-071-059-2

    Ilustraţii de Carmina Achim

    Publicat de Letras

    Distribuit de

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